Well...Well...What a busy week on Facebook I have had trying to encourage extra participation within the group "Power to the People". The continuous stories have had some extra entries and we as a team have been able to tie the two stories together for what we hope will be maximum effect.
Yesterday (Sunday 20th May)....what a day! The premise for this video will be a truely colaborative effort, with the participation of our friends on facebook, our willing models and even a couple of unsuspecting strangers that we approached and asked to participate, although we only ended up getting one to follow through. At this stage we have not had a chance to go over the footage to edit, fine-tune or create what we hope will be an interesting artwork, but will be busy doing so over the next 2 weeks.
Prior to the shoot we had been somewhat concerned with weather as it had been wet leading up to Sunday. However, on the day we could not have had better weather, 20 degrees and sunshine. The day went exceptionally well, although in retrospect I would love to have set off earlier and had more time. Beck and I had sorced a selection of clothing in white, from dresses to shirts and skirts. The 4 models - Sarah (37), Tahlia(18), Charlotte and Lucia (12 years) tried all of the clothing on before we set off in order to make sure what they had chosen fit and suited them.
Our photo shoot began at the Botanic Gardens as we were interested in a 'wood' style scene, for which we beleived this would be perfect. Shortly after arriving we were pleased to find the perfect location, which saved us having to continue lugging around the extensive amount of accessories we had brought along. After setting up, we directed the girls on exactly what we wanted from them to acheive the desired results. Consequently, after only a few takes, we managed to get some great footage. Once we had completed the 'Wood Scene' after about an hour, we proceeded to look around for other suitable locations, but did not find anything else we were as pleased with as our original location. Hence we decided to move on to the consecutive scenes at Semaphore beach. Prior to the day of the shoot, we had decided least busy section would be the best option. Fortunately, we found exactly what we were looking for with a location that had a scattering of pine trees and sand dunes. However perfect we had initially thought the location, it seemed to become busier while we were shooting, sadly some of the shots being ruined with unexpected traffic and passers by. There was also an issue with the girls when they all got the giggles, which delayed and hindered the filming. However, not all bad though as we did get some great footage.
While preparing for the final shoot, I had the idea of asking a random male to join our little troup, to add to the collaboreative approach, with which the process had begun. Thus, I approached a young man (Ben) who graciuosly accepted and willingly agreed to participate. I gave him specific directions on what was required and he was unflinching. I requested Ben head out in to the water as far as he could go in order to submerge and then emerge slowly, walking slowly towards our model Tahlia who would hold out her hands to greet him. Upon reaching her, he was asked to hold her in a loving embrace. Ben was a champion, not only was he generous with his time and efforts he did a fabulous job and we only had to film the scene once. Although this may have something to do with the fact the water was freezing and we suspected he was pretty keen to do it in one take. Tahlia was also a good sport, but clearly not made of the same tough stuff, as we could visably see her shaking and then start to turn blue. However it all worked for the scence, so we were more than happy with the results.
After we had completed the shoot, we fed the girls and Ben some treats we had organised earlier. After a good amount of hot chocolate to warm up and some snacks to recharge, we packed up and then proceeded to head home. Beck and I have arranged for me to stay at her place in order to edit the footage next weekend. The plan is for us to endevour to weave the video footage in with the continuous story created by the group. It does not need to be an exact translation,but contain certain elements symbolic elements to move the story forward.