Group Meeting at Danae's with Beck Graeber
A group meeting was scheduled today with myself, JC, Beck and new-comer Allen. However both fellows had to re-schedule for Thursday, however Beck and I met today regardless. Beck and I explored some of the ideas that we as a group had previously mentioned and how we would execute these ideas. Although some ideas were interesting there were matters that required further trouble-shooting in order to execute. After exploring some of these options, we decided to defer this segment of our discussion until our next meeting with JC and Allen. Not wanting to waste this opportunity to make a plan, we took the time to discuss various other options for our interactive immersive assignment. "When you fail to plan to fail."
We decided that a viable option was to use Facebook as our medium to explore and incorporate various functions that our participants (friends) can choose to access after we invite them to join a forum we create. The group would be called Power of the People, as the idea is to give power to those who use Facebook to interact in an immersive experience to comment, create and participate in various tasks with the group. The inspiration for the concept of giving the power to the people came from a movie called 'Pay it Forward'. It is the story of how a young boy comes up with the concept of doing something for three other individuals that they are unable to do for themselves. However they are not to return the favour, but pay it forward to three other individuals without the expectation of receiving anything in return and so on. The concept is about how one person can start a chain of events that multiples beyond all expectations and can create a revolution and make a difference.
1. Exquisite Corpse - is a program already created , which can be shared via Facebook. One person begins the drawing (top third), then invites a friend to complete the next section being the second third and then sends on to a third person to complete the image. It is all done without being able to see the first persons contribution, except for a small section which enables the next person to continue the next portion of the drawing. Continuous story - we begin a story line which is continued
2. A contiuous story - we begin with a sentence of which is then continued by the next individual and so on.
3. Interactive poems - similar to the continuous story idea started with the first line
4. Dear Miss Molly' - ask a question and receive an online response. The idea was inspired by a movie called Letters to Juliet. In the film the letters for 'Juliet' are left by visitors to a famous tourist attraction in Italy where individuals leave a written messages in a wall to have their Questions answered. A group of ladies would come and collect the messages daily, respond to them and return them for the author to collect the following day.
5. Tell us your secret - this is another spin on the movie Letters to Juliet.
6. Photobooth - Ask our Facbook group to take a photo using Photobooth or similar app, add a 'special effect' then share on the group site for other participants to either like, dislike or comment on. The assignment breif will be fullfilled by documenting responses, possibly video which will then be added to the site, various app and the public participation and social media which fullfills the interactive requirement.
We intend to set up the group immediately in order to give us time to have our friends respond to the various options available.