About Me

My photo
Self Portrait: "You are my Dark Clouds" I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR! I am daughter, I am mother, I am friend, I am teacher, I am student, but still I am more. I am loyal, I am kind, I am loving, I am smart, I am funny, I am wise, I am no mans fool...so beware. I am also creative, I am a visual arts student majoring in photography and passionate about anything related to the arts, whether it be performing arts, visual arts or great literaty works. I am passionate about pursuing a cultured life with youthful enthusiasm, that can be shared with good friends and family over a nice meal with a glass of wine. And of course...I like to chat, so please join me here every week to explore lifes little mysteries together.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

18th April 2012 - Tasks posted: Power to the People

Beck Graeber and myself have now had a couple of meetings to refine our ideas for the group assignment and to get things up and running. We have set up facebook group, invited friends to join and set some interactive activities for everyone to participate in. Being that our underlying premise is a social experiment using 'Art' as a forum for social commentary....it could prove to be interesting.

Power to the People - Information Posted on our Facebook Group
To all those who consider yourselves to be creative, interesting philosophers of life, we invite you to indulge, explore, experiment and be part of an immersive, interactive artistic experiment. Please join us on an artistic journey that takes art out of the white cube and explores what art is using interactive media as a tool for our experience. Over the next few weeks 'You' will be invited to participate in a variety of activities that encourage you to be the artist and most importantly have fun sharing the journey. We will keep you posted ;-) love the team

Dear Friends and Lovers of Art, my illustrious colleagues Danae ThyssenRebecca Graeber, Molly Bird and myself Charlie Davenport have invited you to be a part of an immersive, interactive artistic experience. Over the next 6-8 weeks we will invite you to participate in a vaiety of experiments and tasks, which will be set every few days. It is important to not only complete the activities personally, but interact with others who have done the same. You may also invite other like-minded individuals to join. Most importantly have fun.

Task 1: Download the 'ArtSwipe' app (free) on your mobile. Complete an activity by creating an image from the famous artworks provided or use images of your own and then upload the completed activity to this Facebook group to share.

Task 2: Download the Pici Booth app (free) on your mobile. Take pictures of yourself or friends, then apply various affects and upload to this Facebook group to share.
Task 3: Answer this Question - What constitutes as 'Art' and what makes 'Art' great? ""

Task 4: "Make me like you"

Random Continuous Story Exercise

Task 5: A random continuous story is a collection of people participating in contributing in writing a random story. Rules - write a small portion of the story leading on from the previous sentence. You can write up to a handful of sentences or as little as you like, but you must leave the story 'open' ready for the next participant to follow on.

First story
It began with a ripple in the water created by the sudden flight of a bright orange butterfly. Please continue...

Task 6: A random continuous story is a collection of people participating in contributing in writing a random story. Rules - write a small portion of the story leading on from the previous sentence. You can write up to a handful of sentences or as little as you like, but you must leave the story 'open' ready for the next participant to follow on.

Second Story
Deep in the forest you could hear a pin drop for the silence that reverberated in the darkness. Please continue...

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